Gitup git 2
Gitup git 2

gitup git 2
  4. #GITUP GIT 2 MAC#

  • Extensions/: categories on the Core classes to add convenience features implemented only using the public APIs.
  • Core/: wrapper around the required minimal functionality of libgit2, on top of which is then implemented all the Git functionality required by GitUp (note that GitUp uses a slightly customized fork of libgit2).

    The GitUpKit source code is organized as 2 independent layers communicating only through the use of public APIs:īase Layer (depends on Foundation only and is compatible with OS X and iOS) GitUpKit adds on top of that a number of exclusive and powerful features, from undo/redo and Time Machine like snapshots, to entire drop-in UI components. This allows it to expose a very tight and consistent API, that completely follows Obj-C conventions and hides away the libgit2 complexity and sometimes inconsistencies. Instead of offering extensive raw bindings to libgit2, GitUpKit only uses a minimal subset of libgit2 and reimplements everything else on top of it (it has its own "rebase engine" for instance). GitUpKit has a very different goal than ObjectiveGit.

    gitup git 2

    This means that you can use that same GitUpKit framework to build your very own Git UI!

    gitup git 2

    GitUp is built as a thin layer on top of a reusable generic Git toolkit called "GitUpKit". Simply delete the "Code Signing Identity" build setting of the "Application" target to work around the issue:Īlternatively, if you do have a developer account, you can create the file "Xcode-Configurations/DEVELOPMENT_TEAM.xcconfig" with the following build setting as its content:įor a more detailed description of this, you can have a look at the comments at the end of the file "Xcode-Configurations/Base.xcconfig".

    gitup git 2


    IMPORTANT: If you do not have an Apple ID with a developer account for code signing Mac apps, the build will fail with a code signing error. To build GitUp yourself, simply run the command git clone -recursive in Terminal, then open the GitUp/GitUp.xcodeproj Xcode project and hit Run.


    You can change the update channel used by GitUp in the app preferences. b1234) are only released on the "Continuous" channel. v1.2.3) are released on the "Stable" channel, while builds tagged with a b (e.g. Read the docs and use GitHub Issues for support & feedback.


    Learn all about GitUp and download the latest release from. 30,000 lines of code later, GitUp reached 1.0 mid-August 2015 and was released open source as a gift to the developer community. After several months of work, it was made available in pre-release early 2015 and reached the top of Hacker News along with being featured by Product Hunt and Daring Fireball. GitUp was created by in late 2014 as a bet to reinvent the way developers interact with Git. A ridiculously fast UI, often faster than the command line.Instant search across the entire repo including diff contents,.Features that don’t even exist natively in Git like a visual commit splitter or a unified reflog browser,.Time Machine like snapshots for 1-click rollbacks to previous repo states,.Unlimited undo / redo of almost all operations (even rebases and merges),.A live and interactive repo graph (edit, reorder, fixup, merge commits…),.With GitUp, you get a truly efficient Git client for Mac: It's unlike any other Git client out there from the way it’s built (it interacts directly with the Git database on disk), to the way it works (you manipulate the repository graph instead of manipulating commits). GitUp is a bet to invent a new Git interaction model that lets engineers of all levels work quickly, safely, and without headaches. Since Git turns even simple actions into mystifying commands (“git add” to stage versus “git reset HEAD” to unstage anyone?), it’s no surprise users waste time, get frustrated, distract the rest of their team for help, or worse, screw up their repo! Git recently celebrated its 10 years anniversary, but most engineers are still confused by its intricacy (3 of the top 5 questions of all time on Stack Overflow are Git related). The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived. Work quickly, safely, and without headaches.

    Gitup git 2